Private Wealth Services

Trust and Estate Planning

You may have clarity about how you want your wealth to impact future generations, but how to best realize those wishes might be less crystal clear. Waldron’s experts in trust and estate planning will help lead the way.


Even Significant Wealth is Quickly Diluted Without the Proper Oversight

Trust Estate Planning infographic
Waldron’s facilitated communication services and education about family finances can preserve not only wealth, but relationships.

Strategy Development, Structuring and Implementation

This begins with fully understanding your wishes so that your vision can be carried through in the most effective way possible.

Principal and Income Reporting

Once the strategy has been implemented, we’ll work with you to get the reporting completed and in compliance with trust regulations.

Annual Gifting Execution, Tracking, and Administration

Coordinated with your tax planning, all the details are covered off, whether you’re gifting to established trusts, creating new ones or making outright gifts.

Trustee Assistance Services

From helping you make the right choice in a trustee to helping that person fulfill their significant legal and fiduciary obligations, Waldron provides custom advice and ongoing administrative support.

Onshore and Offshore Trust Planning

We’ll create trusts in the most appropriate jurisdiction and structured to provide efficient implementation of your wealth disposition and preservation goals.

Trust Administration and Reporting

We’re here to handle the calculation and distribution of any disbursements, the record-keeping for tax purposes, substitutions within the trust—in short, all of the operational details.

Family Limited Partnership Planning

Family limited partnerships can be used to pass on more of your wealth to the next generation. However, great care must be taken in their establishment and administration to conform with tax regulations. We’ll work the family and their legal counsel to confirm that partnerships are structured, implemented, and coordinated to maintain tax compliance.

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Simplify Your Wealth

We believe the most successful wealth strategies are achieved through the collaboration of a team of individuals. Learn how our integrated, coordinated approach can simplify your wealth.

Simplify Your Wealth

We believe the most successful wealth strategies are achieved through the collaboration of a team of individuals. Learn how our integrated, coordinated approach can simplify your wealth.

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