Private Wealth Services

Insurance and Asset Protection Strategies

Wealth management for those with extraordinarily high net worth is as much about conservation and protection as it is about growth. Hand in hand with tax and estate planning, insurance and asset protection strategies are essential to preserving your wealth.


Insurance Review/Analysis/Placement

Most clients come to us with several existing types of insurance, purchased over several years and under differing circumstances. We begin with a thorough analysis of all policies and offer our recommendations considering your current situation and your particular risks.

Private Placement Insurance

Private placement insurance offers the greatest customization possible in policy and investment options.  Waldron takes time to review private insurance and if appropriate, drive the execution by working closely with our integrated private insurance providers.

Exposure Evaluation

As part of an ongoing review and maintenance of your Wealth Plan our seasoned professionals take time to identify any significant hazards to your net worth, and recommend the steps to take, whether through insurance or a restructuring of holdings to mitigate that risk.

Trust Planning

While recommending the creation of trusts is a staple of asset protection, the management of extraordinary wealth may call for the establishment of trusts for the purpose of asset protection.  Waldron has extensive experience advising working in conjunction with our clients trusted attorneys to create a variety of trust strategies.

Interested in learning more about insurance and asset protection strategies? View our additional resources and get a free copy of John Waldron’s “The Entrepreneurial Journey” below.

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Simplify Your Wealth

We believe the most successful wealth strategies are achieved through the collaboration of a team of individuals. Learn how our integrated, coordinated approach can simplify your wealth.

Simplify Your Wealth

We believe the most successful wealth strategies are achieved through the collaboration of a team of individuals. Learn how our integrated, coordinated approach can simplify your wealth.

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