Private Wealth Services

Financial Planning

Wealth management is not investment management alone. Each aspect of your wealth affects at least one and usually several other dynamics of your overall finances. So, you can easily see the big picture, your team organizes all facets of your wealth. While the complexity below the surface remains, we identify and clarify these interrelationships to simplify your decisions—and your life.

To help you easily see the big picture, your team organizes all facets of your wealth, integrating your business and financial goals to design a comprehensive wealth plan carefully designed to simplify your decisions—and your life.

Cash Flow Projections and Planning

We clearly analyze spending and expenses, breaking them down in categories (lifestyle/personal, household, other residences, education, gifting) establishing a ratio of income to spend, highlighting trends and presenting it in table, graph and prose formats—all so you can easily see if your wealth management is indeed mapping to your goals.

Retirement Planning

Will you be changing your primary residence? Increasing your philanthropic involvement? Large tax, estate and insurance ramifications converge during the transition to retirement. We help you make the financial choices that best support your goals.

Philanthropic Planning

The same measures of effectiveness that apply to your personal finances should be brought to bear on your philanthropy; tax and investment decisions have far reaching consequences here as well. It’s all managed so your desire to make a continuing contribution to the things you care deeply about in the world can be implemented efficiently.

Education Planning

For your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, there are myriad ways to structure funds specifically for their education—from choosing among 529 funds to establishing family trusts.

Real Estate Services

The timing of large-scale purchases, sales, leasebacks and other transactions should be considered within the context of your income and tax projections. We not only advise, but also help facilitate the transactions, coordinating outside professionals when needed.

Executive Compensation Consultation

We’ll analyze your compensation and benefits package, making recommendations based on your entire income stream so tax liabilities are minimized.

Business Owner Advisory Services

We consult with business owners on everything from the ownership structure at start-up to valuation at sale. Before you sell your business, we help with pre-transaction planning. After the sale, we’ll walk you through your new life.

Ready to Simplify Your Wealth?

Simplify Your Wealth

We believe the most successful wealth strategies are achieved through the collaboration of a team of individuals. Learn how our integrated, coordinated approach can simplify your wealth.

Simplify Your Wealth

We believe the most successful wealth strategies are achieved through the collaboration of a team of individuals. Learn how our integrated, coordinated approach can simplify your wealth.

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