
Waldron Private Wealth: “Wealth Simplified” Podcast Episode 12

Wealth Simplified with Waldron Private Wealth

Our podcast, Wealth Simplified, aims to bring financial literacy and education to anyone who wants to learn. Whether you’re a first-generation wealth creator or a steward to multi-generational wealth, we want to make the complex simple and the vision clear.

On this month’s show, Samantha Spitzer Sheetz, CFP®, CDFA® and Ali Swart, CFP® welcome Nate Ecoff, CFA to the podcast to discuss the evolving nature of the market, sharing insights and potential strategies to help navigate mid-year challenges and opportunities for the remainder of the year.

To your point, it’s been a very narrow market rally. The top 7 stocks in the index, so Apple, Microsoft, Google, Tesla, Nvidia, Meta, and Amazon – they make up over 27% of the S&P500 Index and those 7 stocks alone account for over 90% of the market returns so far YTD. It’s been a stark reversal from last year.”

To learn more about our podcast and listen to this month’s episode, please visit: https://offer.waldronprivatewealth.com/wealth-simplified

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About the Author

Andrew Feldmann is the Team Lead of Business Development for Waldron, leading the business development and marketing efforts to continue to support the company's growth.

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