
Waldron Private Wealth: “Wealth Simplified” Podcast Episode 13

Wealth Simplified with Waldron Private Wealth

Our podcast, Wealth Simplified, aims to bring financial literacy and education to anyone who wants to learn. Whether you’re a first-generation wealth creator or a steward to multi-generational wealth, we want to make the complex simple and the vision clear.

On this month’s show, Sam and Ali invite Evan Hirsh on the podcast to explore the differences between qualified and nonqualified retirement plans. Together, they explore the complexities that surround new legislation affecting these plans to help provide a comprehensive understanding of the changing landscape.

In this episode we discuss:

  • The difference between qualified and nonqualified plans
  • New legislation surrounding retirement plans
  • Tax bracket strategy insights
  • Employer-Employee Effects of SECURE Act

“So a qualified plan, traditional 401k, 403b – they are subject to those rules. Nonqualified plans are not. They do not always have to act in the best interest of the entire staff again because these plans are only for the top hat group.”

“And that would make sense because I think if we rewind back many many years ago into the 70’s and 80’s, this is really when a lot of employer sponsored plans were created right? Some of our parents in the 60’s and 70’s didn’t even have 401k’s because they didn’t exist.”

To learn more about our podcast and listen to this month’s episode, please visit: https://offer.waldronprivatewealth.com/wealth-simplified

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About the Author

Andrew Feldmann is the Team Lead of Business Development for Waldron, leading the business development and marketing efforts to continue to support the company's growth.

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